2.8 Million
TBIs treated in ERs annually
Require hospitalization
0-100 Years
TBIs can happen any age
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There are so many aspects of TBI, recovery, and caregiving that are invisible to society. We want to shine a light on them.
Our Story
In July of 2020, 17-year-old Sierra Longmoore was seriously injured in a car crash, sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), multiple skull fractures, collapsed lungs and a mid-brain stroke. Her family was told she would not live through the night. By the grace of God, she made it through. Her recovery has been propelled by her grit and determination plus the incredible support from medical professionals, our community, family, and strangers. Grateful for her blessings, Sierra vowed during her recovery to help others who survived a TBI on their journey so they were not alone. This led to the Unmask The Invisible organization. READ MORE >