Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. If it doesn't feel vulnerable, the sharing is probably not constructive.
-Brene Brown


Get Connected

Support groups provide a forum for caregivers and siblings to connect with others facing similar challenges by sharing experiences, exchanging advice, and receiving emotional encouragement. Our goal is to create resiliency and strengthen the voice of these critical yet under-served segments of a TBI survivor's support community by building a strong network.

Why join a support group for siblings?

Feelings can range from compassion and love to jealousy and abandonment. You've lost the person you knew. You may feel angry, lost, sad, or confused —but knowing you are not alone in these feelings and being able to share with others who understand is not only fulfilling for you but helps others. Don't keep it all to yourself.

Sierra, Tanner and Aspen at Gillette Stadium

What? Connect with other teens who might understand what you are experiencing and feeling via Unmask the Invisible's Sibling Network.

Who? Siblings who have a brother or sister who has suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury

Siblings of TBI Network

Why join a support group for caregivers?

Caregiving for a traumatic brain injury survivor is draining —physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Connect with those who may understand what you are experiencing. Share ideas, tips, tricks, and approaches. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Look around at those running with you; they can be a great source of energy, encouragement, and knowledge.

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What? Connect with other caregivers who might understand what you are experiencing and feeling via Unmask the Invisible's Support Group.

Who? Any adult caring for a traumatic brain injury survivor.

Caregivers of TBI
Support Group

Volunteer Opportunity

Support the Support Groups

Do you have compassion, skills, and/or expertise that align with a support group volunteer?
We need you!

Read below to gain an understanding of each group's unique role and challenges.

Siblings of TBI

Sibling relationships are not subject to individual choice. Except for adoption, siblings derive from the same genetic pool and possess common cultural and environmental characteristics. The sibling relationship can be longer than all other family connections.

When one sibling experiences a TBI it can be a frightening and disconcerting time for the remaining siblings. Siblings often provide a crucial role in the lives of TBI patients, providing emotional support, caregiving, and companionship. This network group is for individuals who are already dealing with incredible change. How can you bring light to their day? How can you show them they are heard?

Caregivers of TBI

Caregiver support groups are incredibly beneficial for individuals caring for family members with TBI. Often the extended family is placed under extreme pressure in such situations as they pull together to offer the support they can under the circumstances. The caregiver role can be alienating and overwhelming.

This support group will connect caregivers with others facing similar challenges by sharing experiences, exchanging advice, and receiving emotional support. In our own journey, we have experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to find accurate information and support for caregivers. How can you facilitate connections? How can you provide encouragement and hope?

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