There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.
-Margaret J. Wheatley


Reintegration Program

Understanding is key to building or re-building a relationship with a person who has survived a traumatic brain injury (TBI). But what do family, friends, schools, and hospitals need to understand? That's where Unmask the Invisible steps in. Let's create a solution!

Family, friends, teachers, coaches, therapists —anyone in the community who lives and works with a survivor— needs information and training on how to communicate, what expectations to set, and how to build or rebuild a relationship.

The Challenge
Much of the information that exists around the reintegration of a patient who has suffered a brain injury centers on the survivor —how can we better rehabilitate them so that social and intellectual reintegration is easier?

Little to nothing speaks about the systemic problem that occurs with a lack of training in common social areas, like staff and teachers at public schools or the staff and therapists at outpatient physical therapy facilities. And few materials address the education of family members and friends or go into much depth.

Meeting the Need
To develop Unmask the Invisible's reintegration program into a life-changing experience we are looking for four things intially:

  1. Input from parents/caregivers of survivors as to the struggles they've experienced in reintegrating.
  2. Partnerships with schools and hospitals that can help us design training materials/ curricula.
  3. Funding to hire videographers/ video editors to create educational videos to make access widely available.
  4. Volunteers who are willing and able to play roles in videos and/or be photographed for static material.


Teacher and teen student discussing project.
Two teen girls thoughtfully talking.
Older children talking to eachother.

Volunteer Opportunity

Help us Create the Solution

Do you have skills, and/or expertise that align with a reintegration program volunteer?
We need you!

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