Unmask the Invisible

An Incredible Story of Faith, Family, and Miracles

Unmask the Invisible Book Cover - Creative photo blend of clouds with rainbow and Longmoore FamilyIn July of 2020, our daughter Sierra was seriously injured in a car crash while on her way to her summer babysitting job. She sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, multiple skull fractures, collapsed lungs, and a mid-brain stroke. We were told she would not live through the night. By the grace of God, she made it through.

A week later, as her brain was swelling and crushing her brain stem, we were told to have her last rites given. At that point, we asked the doctors to do their job to the best of their ability and left the rest to God. That night we started a Facebook group called Miracle for Sierra – God’s Heros Unite sharing her story and asking for prayer warriors.

Again, divine intervention ensured she survived.

Time after time, as we prayed and surrounded her with love and spiritual support, she defied the odds. Her grit and will to live inspired countless others who followed her journey. Our social media presence quickly garnered a massive national and international army of prayer warriors. Her recovery has been propelled with love and incredible support from medical professionals, therapists, specialists, our church community, family, and strangers who came together during the darkest months of COVID-19. When hope seemed lost, we were lifted and buoyed by the prayers of so many.

Sierra has become a beacon of hope as a testament to the love, support, and dedication of those around her, near and far. Her journey has involved many fortuitous events and is a miracle of the purest form. From her spiritual experiences in the earliest days after her crash to her overcoming all odds and being able to walk and talk again, her journey is a story that is full of triumph and inspiration.

We invite you to share that journey and learn how the grace of God has touched our family, our wider community, strangers, and the world.

U and I can illuminate brain injury. Unmask the Invisible uses art, networking, education, and advocacy to support the traumatically brain-injured community. Our programs foster resiliency and inspire.

Lighting the way. Support programs that make a difference in the lives of survivors, caregivers, survivor's siblings...and illuminate ways to support this community.

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